Friday, April 30, 2010

How to convert cvs to svn

There are many posts available online about how to convert cvs to svn, however some steps seem to have been skipped. I did the conversion on Ubuntu, using the famous cvs2svn. 
If you have to convert the code in Windows, see this: convert cvs to svn using Cygwin

Here are some dummy steps:

1. Download and install cvs2svn, for more information (ie requirements, etc), see
Ideally you shall have a unix/linux environment with Python, cvs, svn installed.

2. install cvs, svn and svnserve

3. Create a folder (namely CVS) at your desired location

4. Set CVSROOT to this folder, you need to set with aboslute path. ie, export CVSROOT=/home/guest/CVS

5. then run "cvs init", now CVS has been set as a cvs repository, you will see a CVSROOT folder under CVS

6. run "cvs2svn --fallback-encoding=ansii -s SVN_PATH CVS", where SVN_PATH is the path for your SVN repository. "--fallback-encoding=ansii" is needed in case cvs2svn fails to convert the log messages into UTF8(default).

7. go to SVN/conf, update svnserve.conf - uncomment out
# anon-access = read
# auth-access = write
# password-db = passwd

update passwd, ie,

DO NOT leave space in the name and password, otherwise your SVN clients may deny your credentials.

8. start svnserve to the SVN repository. run "svnserve -d -r SVN", where SVN is the path of your SVN repository.

9. Point your svn client to svn://servername/SVN, you shall be prompted to log in, then you shall see the repository.

This book might be helpful: Pragmatic Guide to Subversion